I commend the work of Wisdom 360 and it’s leadership in preparing the students from an all round perspective. Upendra ji Tripathi sir has leveraged his knowledge and experience of IIT education and teaching to address the personality development of the students who attend the coaching. I am a professor in the US for the last 18 years and have worked in the US corporate world before that and have had the experience of personally observing Tripathi Sir’s teaching commitment and effectiveness via Skype to help a high school student studying in the US. He addresses the need to strengthen the core fundamentals of any discipline and then trains the student to build upon it. This also helps in building the student’s confidence. I have been involved in reviewing applications of college students as a professor in the US and I know that Sir Tripathi is preparing the students in the right direction. I have visited the location in Lucknow where classes are conducted and have been encouraged to personally recommend that during summer holidays US children who have roots in Lucknow can gain a lot by attending Wisdom 360 classes. This institution is truly built upon wisdom and commitment to address the overall development of the students.
format_quoteBeing an educator myself, I very well understand the importance of having a student friendly environment for studies. Most of us have a vision for such place but Dr.Upendra Tripathi brings this vision into reality with his institute Wisdom 360. Enriched with latest facilities like well maintained library, computer room, modern classrooms, the institute is a place one would like to study at. The experienced faculty always ready to help students and provision of facility for self-study at the center is an added advantage to every student who is looking for guided learning. To sum up, Wisdom 360 is a place every parent would want to send their children to. I Congratulate and wish that Dr.Tripathi and his team keep the same spirit always alive and help building a better future.
I acknowledge the success story of Wisdom360 as an institution dedicated for an alround development of a child. I knew Dr. Upendra Tripathi not only as an excellent teacher but an inspiring team leader since 2013 when he was running an integrated program for IITJEE/NEET in the school which I was then working for. Pedagogy of Wisdom360 involves innovative teaching techniques which are helpful in raising the learning standards of children and upliftment of the education sector in general. I am the principal of Delhi Public School, Shaheedpath and I have worked with prestigious schools in the past and had the experience of personally observing Tripathi Sir's committments and effectiveness as a team leader for past 6 years. His focus on basics of each discipline in the early years of education encourages each and every student to build a career based upon the subjects of his/her own choice.
I wish him and Team Wisdom 360 best of luck in all their future endeavors.
I have known Dr Upendra Tripathi for more than five years.In my association,I have come to understand him as a person with impeccable commitment to Science and all allied streams.His 'Out of the box' approach and keenness to deliver the best is the genesis of WISDOM 360.The scientific temper of the institute is evident in the excellent results and exemplary performance of students. The warmth and respect given to the team members prompts them to work harder for the organization and the students in turn. I wish the WISDOM 360 team earns laurels year after year and emerges as one of the leading institutions of Lucknow and beyond.
M.Sc, Ph.D Lecturer & Head
Dept. of Physics Montfort College, Mahanagar, Lucknow
I have been associated with IAPT (Indian Association of Physics Teachers) for more than a decade. In this connection I have come in contact with Dr.Upendra Tripathi who is also a life member of IAPT. Once he visited my Physics Lab, which I have established in my residence, he was highly impressed with the exhibits and experiments designed by me for the students & teachers of senior secondary level. He then invited me to visit his study center WISDOM 360, located around 20 km from my residence and I accepted his invitation and visited it in 2017 along with one of my student Ms. Anshika Mishra, a student of M.Sc Physics. The occasion of my visit to this prestigious institute was incorporated with an Interactive Lecture in Physics. While interacting with the students I came to know the level of education delivered by Dr.Tripathi and his team. It was really a fantastic experience. The basic knowledge of Physics of his students was so good that I would rather recommend the science students of Lucknow city to get themselves enrolled with WISDOM 360 if they really want to get success in the competitive exams like JEE & NEET. For such excellent teaching, I think, Dr.Tripathi's IIT background has very significant role (in grooming the students for the competitive exams). He himself did his Ph.D in Physics from IIT Delhi. A proper guidance by such a dedicated team of teachers under the leadership of Dr.Upendra Tripathi will always be needed in the society for the overall development of the students. I appreciate his consistent efforts to promote a qualitative education among the children. I wish him good luck and hope his study center becomes the best in the country.
वेदो, पुराणों, उपनिषदों और इन जैसे तमाम धर्मग्रंथो के माध्यम से हम गुरु और गुरुकुल की महत्ता , उसकी विशिष्टता उसकी उपादेयता और उसकी प्रासंगिता को अभी तक सुनते समझते आये है और इसीलिए प्राचीन गुरुओं एवं उनके गुरुकुलों में अपनायी जाने वाली शिक्षा व्यवस्था एवं गुरु-शिष्य परम्परा के प्रती हमारे मन में अथाह श्रद्धा और अटूट विश्वास है, लेकिन आधुनिक विधालयों एवं शिक्षण (कोचिंग) संस्थानों में प्राचीन गुरुकुल जैसा शैक्षिक एवं अनुशासित वातावरण एवं मानवीय मूल्यों पर आधारित शैक्षणिक परिवेश अब कम ही देखने को मिलता रहा है, लेकिन पिछले करीब तीन चार बर्षो से लखनऊ जैसे शैक्षणिक शहर में 'विजडम ३६०' ने अपने पैर को धीमी गति से ही सही पसारा एवं जमाया है, वह उसे और अन्य तथाकथित बड़ी कहि जाने वाली बाजारू कोचिंग संस्थानों से खुद को अलग करता है एवं एवं अपनी अलग पहचान बनता है |
'विजडम ३६०' जिसका ध्येय वाक्य ' Because 100 Is Better Than 99' है, अपने में एक विशिष्टता समेटे और संजोये हुए है, और सभी को अपने भाव, अपने धेय्य एवं अपने पंच लाइन पर सोचने को अनायास है विवस करता है | मई अपने अनुभव के आधार पर कह सकता हु की पिछले दो तीन बर्षो में मैंने जितना 'विजडम ३६०' को जाना, समझा, देखा, और परखा है, उसके अनुसार पाया है की यह संस्था बाजारवादी, विस्तारवादी, पूंजीवादी, एवं व्यापरवादी व्यस्था को पूरी तरह से अभी तक अछूती है | यह संस्थान परम्परावादी, मानवतावादी, उदारवादी, ज्ञानवादी, और संस्कारवादी परिपाटियों एवं संस्कार को अपने में समेटे हुए है, जिसका परिराम यह देखने को मिल रहा है की यह पर पढ़ रहे बच्चे एक 'मशीन' एवं 'रोबोट' न होकर चलते - फिरते 'बौद्धिक छात्र', 'अनुशासित बच्चे' के रूप में एक 'अजूबे शिल्पकार' ही नजर आ रहे है |
'विजडम 360' मेरी नजर में एक शिल्पशाला है, जिसमे कुम्हार की चाक पर रखे गीली मिटटी के मानिंद बच्चे अपना भविष्य अपने ढंग से, अपनी स्वतंत्र सोच से, अनुभवी एवं प्रखर अध्यापको के कुशल नेतृत्व एवं मार्ग दर्शन में सवार सुधार रहे है |
चुकि, 'विजडम 360' की छत्र- छाया में मेरा बेटा उत्कर्ष श्रीवास्तव, पिछले २ बर्षो से पल्लवित एवं पोषित हो रहा है और सामान्य छात्र होते हुए भी उसने इस वर्ष की हाई स्कूल ली ICSE बोर्ड की परीक्षा में 97 प्रतिशत अंक हासिल किया है | उत्कर्ष की इस सफलता में निश्चत रूप से इस संस्था के संस्थापक डॉ. उपेंद्र त्रिपाठी सर स्वेता त्रिपाठी मैडम का विशिष्ट योगदान है | चूँकि, 'विजडम 360' में पढ़ रहे बच्चो के साथ डॉ. उपेंद्र सर एवं डॉ. स्वेता मैडम का 'पर्सनल टच' बनता है, जिससे बच्चो का सार्वभौमिक एवं सर्वांर्गीण विकास को बढ़ावा मिलता है, जिससे बच्चे अंतर्मुखी न होकर प्रतिभा की ओर शनैः - शनैः अग्रसर हो रहे है |
'विजडम ३६०' सच पूछिए अभी अपने शैशवावस्था में ही है , लेकिन मेरा विश्वास है की कल यह संस्था शैक्षणिक क्षेत्र में मिल का पत्थर बनेगी और इसमें तप कर निखरे हुए बच्चे निःसदेह 'नए भारत' का न्य 'नया भविष्य' होंगे तथा 'विजडम 360' की मूल भावना 'यथा तथा गुणे' को एक नई धार देते हुए आकाश की बुलंदियों पर अपना परचम लहरायेंगे |
मै व्यकितगत रूप से 'विजडम 360' संस्था के उद्देश्यों एवं उनके तौर - तरीको से बेहद प्रभावित हु और इस संस्थान एवं इस संस्थान में अपना भविष्य सवार रहे बच्चो के उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना करता हु और आशा के साथ यह विश्वास व्यक्त करता हु की इस संस्थान के आंगन में रोपित हो रहे बच्चे कल के निश्चित रूप से अपने - अपने क्षेत्र में एक नया कीर्तिमान स्थापित कर देश - दुनिया में अपना नाम रोशन करेंगे और 'विजडम 360' ऐसे है अपने आयाम की ओर विकासोन्मुख होता रहेगा …… एक दैदीप्यमान सूर्य की तरह |
व्हिज़्डम 360 में मैंने 3 दिन व्यतीत किए। इन तीन दिनों में मैंने बहुत ही नज़दीक से इस संस्था को जाना है। इस संस्था का पूरा माहौल मुझे बहुत प्रभावित करता है।
प्रत्येक विषय के प्रशिक्षित शिक्षकों के साथ एक बेहतरीन टीम हर वक़्त बच्चों के प्रति कर्तव्यनिष्ठ होकर काम करती है। संस्था में लगी मेधावी छात्रों की तस्वीरों को देख यह कहा जा सकता है कि यह संस्था बच्चों का मार्गदर्शन अन्य सभी संस्थाओं से बेहतर रूप से कर रही है। संस्था की बेहतरीन लाइब्रेरी एवं कंप्यूटर लैब हर छात्र के लिए सुलभ है। बच्चों को किताबी ज्ञान के साथ-साथ बच्चों की जिज्ञासा बनाये रखने एवं उन्हें मौलिक चिंतन के प्रति जागरूक रखने का कार्य यह संस्था बेहतरीन रूप से कर रही है। यही मुख्य कारण है कि व्हिज़्डम 360 अन्य किसी भी संस्था से बेहतर है।
CBSE एवं ICSE के छात्रों की एक बड़ी संख्या इस संस्था से जुड़ी हुई है। इतनी अधिक संख्या होने के बावजूद भी हर बच्चे की समस्या हल किये बिना कोई भी कक्षा पूर्ण नहीं होती है। हर बच्चे के लिए तत्पर रहने वाली यह संस्था अपने आप में एक मिसाल है।
यहाँ बच्चों को पाठ पढ़ाने के साथ-साथ उन्हें स्वयं पाठ समझने के लिए सक्षम बनाने का प्रयास शिक्षक करते हैं। सभी सुविधाओं से लैस यह संस्था बच्चों को सकारात्मक माहौल देकर उनके बेहतर भविष्य के लिए प्रयासरत है। एक बेहतर शैक्षणिक संस्था को सुचारू रूप से चलाने वाली इस संस्था की पूरी टीम को ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएँ।
Wisdom 360 is a pioneer institute that moulds beautiful young minds. I can say this because I have personally observed it during my interaction with students at the institute about latest trends in technology and artificial intelligence. It was lovely to see young people eager to know about technology. Not only did science students but commerce students also showed their interest in technology. The inquisitiveness of students and their patient listening reflected a positive aspect that one needs for his/her all round development. Moreover, the interaction with Director Sir Dr.Upendra Tripathi, made me realise his passion and dedication towards the best development of his students. His ideology is inspirational and I hope more students benefit from it. I wish Dr. Tripathi and his team all the very best for a successful future ahead.
format_quoteकुछ समय पहले मेरा और कृष्णकुमार दीक्षित जी का विज़डम 360 नामक एक संस्था में जाना हुआ था। संस्थापक उपेंद्र त्रिपाठी जी की यह संस्था हमें वर्तमान शिक्षा जगत में दूसरे संस्थानों से कहीं अलग लगी। संस्था बच्चों को जिज्ञासु करने का काम कर रही है। बच्चे मौलिक रूप से सोचने समझने लग जाएँ, हमें यही प्रयास वहाँ होता हुआ नज़र आया। उनका यह प्रयास रहता है कि विद्यार्थी स्वयं गंभीरता से विचार करना सीखें।किसी भी अध्याय में उन्हें न्यूनतम जानकारी देकर शेष बातें विद्यार्थी स्वयं निकालें। विज़डम 360 में बच्चों के सर्वांगीण विकास की चिंता हमें साफ तौर पर देखने को मिली। संस्था की सुस्सजित लाइब्रेरी यह दर्शा रही थी कि बच्चों को बेहतर और सकारात्मक शैक्षणिक माहौल में रखना कितना आवश्यक है। बच्चों की इतनी बड़ी संख्या को बड़े ही अनुशासन के साथ रखते हुए सारी गतिविधियाँ आराम से होती रहीं।। यह देखकर अच्छा लगा। आज के दौर में किसी भी संस्था का बच्चों के प्रति समर्पित रहना यह दर्शाता है कि यह संस्था न केवल बच्चों की पढ़ाई के प्रति चिंतित है, अपितु, बच्चों को एक अच्छा नागरिक बनाने के लिए भी तत्पर है। यह संस्था नए कीर्तिमान स्थापित कर रही है, न केवल अच्छे अंकों द्वारा बल्कि हर उस क्षेत्र में जहाँ से बच्चों का सीधा सम्बन्ध है। विज़डम 360 की पूरी टीम इसके लिए बधाई की पात्र है |
Firstly, I would like to congratulate team Wisdom 360 for the brilliant results in this session. This has only been made possible due to the constant toil and hard work of both - the students and the teachers.
Wisdom360 is unparallel in its innovative and practical teaching methodology. Small batch size ensures that every single student gets personal attention which helps in getting a deeper understandings of the subject.
The 'doubt-removal' classes on alternate days are hugely benificial to address the slightest problems beings faced by the students. Another speciality of the institution is the conept test being conducted on every weekend to help a student analyse his/her mistakes.
Moreover Tripathi Sir's vast knowledge and experience in the education sector take the subject to a higher level of clarity.
Deep understanding of the subject give an extra edge to the students in the competitive exams. Thus it is no surprise that students of Wisdom360 have excelled in every field and have come out with flying colors.
A student of any stream, be it Arts, Commerce or Science, needs an extra preparation for boards to score marks above average. "WISDOM 360" has helped in ways that no other coaching or institute ever will.The ambiance and the level of training I got here is par excellence. WISDOM 360 is one coaching center where you get an all rounder practice session. Lastly I want to thank the founder member Mr. Upendra Tripathi sir for making me understand the true meaning of gaining knowledge as earlier I only used to do rote learning( true fact). He is an inspiration for me.
format_quoteWisdom 360 is an extraordinary institute. The teachers’ devotion to their respective subjects is how they are able to simplify vast concepts and equip us with memory tricks and tips. The method of teaching is unique; making the best use of the most advance technology caters to students of all mental calibers. Every student is paid individual attention. Regular tests ensured timely identification of problem areas and taking up the necessary steps for improvement. The timely and much appreciated help is what gave me the self confidence to excel. The well furnished library creates a serene and peaceful environment. Upendra Sir’s absolute command in physics is awe-inspiring. Owing to his proficiency in physics, he is able to knit various concepts of physics and reduce them. Moreover the wise words from all the teachers will be the guiding light in all my future endeavors.
format_quoteI really appreciate and cherish the association with WISDOM 360. I would appreciate and congratulate all the faculties and members of management for the grand success in academic year 2017-18 with flying colors in results. Especially I would like to mention the name of the founder member Mr Upendra Tripathi for his wisdom and excellence to carry the responsibility to the highest level of expectations. The zeal of faculties to solve the doubts to the level of satisfaction of each and every student was amazing. The institute is finely placed in a very good environment friendly locality totally safe from all angles. The airy class rooms with all hygienic measures are rarely seen in other institute. I once again appreciate and congratulate the team 'WISDOM 360' for marvelous result for 2017- 18 and all future endeavors.
format_quoteSuccess is not mere hard work it’s more of smart work. This is what is taught as at Wisdom 360. Sometimes students work hard but they do not succeed because they lack proper planning and good strategies. Every student is different and different plans work for different people. This is where I feel Wisdom 360 surpasses other institutions. At Wisdom 360 teachers know each student very well. They know their capabilities and areas where they lack. This way they can make effective strategies for every student to overcome their weaknesses. The other thing that I feel good about Wisdom 360 is it’s atmosphere. The atmosphere always keeps students motivated. They rarely lose confidence. Apart from classroom study, Wisdom 360 stresses on self study which makes a student less dependent on teacher. Student can come at any time sit and study. Personally, I feel study is better than classroom teaching. Things that one learns on its own are more understood and retained for a longer duration. Wisdom 360 contains all facilities like library, internet, video lectures etc, which helps students to study in an interactive and interesting manner. Apart from studies Wisdom 360 organises different workshops and activites to keep students interested in studies. Wisdom 360 has a large community of students and teachers from different fields which helps students to pursue and choose career of their interests. I would like to mention a special vote of thanks to Upendra Tripathi sir for helping and guiding students in the best possible manner. His view that education should be provided to everyone at price they can afford is appreciable. His efforts to spread education among the poor is the rarest of the things that people do nowadays.
format_quoteWisdom 360 is one of the few institutes which provide a holistic approach towards gaining success in any competitive exam. Not only the academic but mental stress is catered to as well, by the able teachers. The teachers help develop an attitude to tackle questions along with learning concepts. Specially Upendra Sir's amazing grip on Physics and his vast experience with the psychology of the students plays a huge role in the success of the institute.
format_quoteI prepared for IIT JEE in 2016-17 at Wisdom 360 under the tutelage of Upendra Tripathi Sir. I used to reside in Delhi and attended a premier coaching institute there. Regardless, the amazing teaching methodology and the competitive environment that I experienced at Wisdom 360 motivated me to travel all the way to Lucknow and study Physics from Upendra Sir. The classrooms and library resources are state of the art and condusive to the preparation. I really appreciated the one to one interaction that the faculty members used to have with us to clear all our doubts and make sure that none of the students are left behind. The test series of Wisdom 360 is very competitive and is at par with the JEE level.
format_quoteWisdom 360 is a place to fulfill your dreams. The teaching methodology is excellent. Regular tests and evalution helps a student to get more bright. The Institute is placed in a good and clean environment. Every individual is paid individual attention. Students can take help from books in the library which helps them to explore the educative world. I would like to give special thanks to Respected Upendra Tripathi Sir for his command in Physics.. I consider myself fortunate to be under your guidance for consequtive 3 years and to be able to learn from you and your experiences . Sir constantly motivated the students towards their goal. I would like to congratulate the team for the outstanding performance of students for the year 2018-2019.
Wisdom 360 has been a great help for my class 10 board examinations. The staff are really easy to talk to and they will do whatever they can to help you succeed. Wisdom 360 is a very family like and comfortable atmosphere ,it makes you feel like you are at home. I want to thank sir U. Tripathi and maam S. Tripathi who helped me in experimenting with what i was capable of knowing and stepping out of my boundaries to realize my potential in studies.
Thankyou wisdom 360
Wisdom 360 is truly a symbol of excellence and perfection. Teachers' enthusiasm towards problem solving, helping, and guiding students to achieve their goal is extraordinary. Upendra sir's special involvement in our problems and innovative ideas to develop methodology of teaching helped us to focus on both board and competitive exams. Air conditioned and well furnished classes made us comfortable. Regular doubt classes to clear any query were available all the time. Wisdom 360 is a right place for a student to develop and prosper.
format_quoteIf education is imparted as a burden on students then it is not serving its purpose. There is a lot of difference between making people literate and educating them. The main aim of the education should be to make children reallze their aim and cherish their effort towards it. And what I feel is, Wisdom 360 is far far ahead than any other institution in imparting this very feeling. Dr. Upendra Tripathi, founder manager of this very institution with all his faculty focuses on educating the students which not only produces wonderful results in all fields but also make them a good human being. I thank Dr. Upendra Tripathi and all his faculty members in shaping me too, without his guidance I would not have achieved what I have. Thank u Wisdom 360
format_quoteAs aN IIT JEE aspirant, one would definitely choose the best coaching institute for preparation. "WISDOM 360" turned out to be a spectrum of all the qualities that I needed for JEE preparation. The atmosphere is disparate from most of the coaching institutes. The students can study on their own in groups or in solitude. This is important because every child has a different method of learning. After all, we are like snowflakes, not all of the same size and shape and hence different in our own ways. The library is full of books for all standards. Be it the beginner level or stretching all the way up to the advanced levels. The teachers understand the requirements of every student and believe in the concept of letting them delve into topics as deep as they can, hence providing food to their creative minds. It is a lively place to learn and enhance your skills. Lastly I would like to mention the name of the founder member Mr. Upendra Tripathi and thank him for constantly motivating all the students towards their goals and giving perfect guideline to each and every student.
''Wisdom 360 is an extraordinary Institute which not only teaches students but also guide them and most importantly prepare them to face competition from the outside world.
Regular classes and practice sessions by experienced teachers and their all time availability through out the day is the best thing which makes it completely different and totally reliable. Special focus on school books along with explanation of important topics in a quite different and easy method keeping in mind both, the requirements of school examinations and competitive exams is the best part of the teaching curriculum which attracts and helps most of the enrollees as it reduces the burden of studying extra and heavy reference books. Regular tests are like a booster dose for the students which plays an important role in building their confidence level.
At last I am only left to say that Wisdom 360 has already cultivated success for many and still there are many more to go for sure. "
I really appreciate the effort made by the faculty of wisdom 360 in these 4 months for me, in order to make every child understand the topic very well. I would also like to make a special mention to upendra tripathi sir who literally is like a blessing in disguise for me. he teach me a subject which i never though to be good at, physics plus, the environment which the institute provides is up to the mark. Lastly, i would like to conclude by saying that wisdom 360 is a coaching institute which provides every ingredient for a secured future.
Wisdom 360 is an exrraordinary institute. The coaching not only aim at good marks in the prescribed subjects but also 100 % knowledge and clearance of doubts in each and every topics. I have been a part of this coachinig for about a year and genuinely learnt a new way of learning. Earlier, i used to mug up things but the faculty at wisdom 360 made me release that gaining knowledge is not about mugging up things but knowing indepth about each and every topic. I would be obliged to especially thank the founder manager of the institute upendra tripathi sir who always tries to bring out the best in children and guides us with the best teachings.
I would like to conclude up by saying that wisdom 360 jas genuinely provided me with the complete fruitful education and i will always be greatful to the institute as a whole.
It has been a great pleasure to study from the esteemed faculty of Wisdom 360.The institute catered well to my individual needs which in turn boosted my confidence and help me to perform well in all tests,examinations and ultimately the boards.I am happy that they are ready to teach each child individually,pay attention to his/her weakness and strength and are ready to provide doubt classes whenever required.I would like to especially mention Dwivedi Sir for his patience and dedication in teaching me Mathematics,I owe a lot to him.
format_quoteMy Name is Shaswat Singh and I have recently joined WISDOM 360 which gave me the new way of thinking towards studies. Teachers of WISDOM 360 are absolutely brilliant and UT sir who is the most experience teacher had helped me a lot. The way of teaching is very interesting. It will be very helpful for those who feel burden in studying both school level and competition level, so one must have a try with this.
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